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People occasionally ask us if it’s possible to mix and match our products. The answer is a hearty and booming “yes”! When you hear that, we’re guessing you assume that applies to just our boulders, panels and other individual products. You’d be wrong…

RicoRock kits are mix-and-match-able too!

This project is a great example of how all our products – kits included! – can blend together to create a seamless, eye-catching water feature. In fact, this homeowner used the three different kits: Tennessee Ledger Pool Waterfall Kit, Stream Section add-on, AND the 4 Ft Double Swimming Pool Waterfall Kit.

This combo packs quite the visual punch.

On the left is the Tennessee Ledger with the Stream kit. The stream kit gives homeowners more freedom on where to place their waterfall. A waterfall feature doesn’t HAVE to go right on the edge of the pool; it can sit back and relax, with the help of the Stream Section. This helpful add-on includes one main piece, with steppers to create lift if desired. Water cascades over the Tennessee waterfall and into the stream section, flowing forward towards the pool. The overall effect is akin to that of a babbling brook created by waterfalls in nature!

Don’t believe us? Just watch the video.


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On the right, is the 4 FT Double Waterfall. This is our most popular waterfall kit! It’s simultaneously powerful and tranquil, providing a strong counterpoint to the more relaxed babbling brook to the left.

The complementary structures aren’t the only reason these kits work well together.

All RicoRock products – kits and individual items – are available in similar rock “styles.” From limestone to quartz to our wide range of coloring and stains, it’s this attention to detail that makes it easy to create a seamless, custom water feature using our kits.

All you need to do is pick your favorite kits and we’ll take it from there.

Contact us, and we’ll help you choose the perfect eye-catching water feature for your backyard.

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