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We all love a good backyard pool. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be in the business of designing gorgeous, nature-inspired water features! A custom-designed element transforms even the most basic of pool sides into a tranquil space to relax and recharge after a busy day.

Don’t believe us? Just take a look at this custom grotto and spa.

Built using RicoRock boulders, panels, and a grotto lid, this custom project elevated what was already a stunning view and transformed it into the homeowner’s personal oasis. The top of the grotto offers a lovely, sun-exposed surface for tanning or sipping cocktails while enjoying the view. The large musical waterfall soothes the senses and lulls you into a meditative state, while the smaller cascade behind the spa offers general caresses that will relax tense muscles.

There’s even a hidden slide for any guests who want a little adventure!

(Though we should note that RicoRock does not manufacture slides; those need to be purchased separately.)

RicoRock’s products allow you to mix and match to find the ideal combination and layout that will transform your pool. Start by choosing a one-piece waterfall or one of our waterfall kits, then build your custom design with our boulders, panels and more to create a natural environment that will help you unwind after a long day…

And impress your guests with a stunning view!

Need help designing your personal backyard sanctuary? Contact us, and we’ll help you choose the products for your poolside and budget.

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