Is there anything better than lounging by the poolside on a hot summer night? It’s probably one of the most popular things to do when you have a backyard pool (after swimming, of course!). Elevate your poolside experience by adding a gorgeous grotto – designed to fit with your personal aesthetic.
Homeowner Tim V from Illinois shared this photo of him getting the most out of his RicoRock custom grotto with a waterfall, stairs, and slide. The placement gives Tim the perfect visual as he enjoys his evening meal or has guests over for a fun night by the fireside.
RicoRock’s faux rock panels mimic nature’s true rustic charm. Tim’s poolside is now a miniature tropical paradise that everyone can enjoy. Even the kids. “It’s beautiful,” writes Tim. “Kids are climbing on the rocks.”
Recently completed by RicoRock Construction Management‘s tech support master, Juan Pablo Rodriguez, this custom project incorporates a unique combination of faux-rock panels, steppers, and, of course, the beautiful grotto waterfall. Pablo used a custom grotto to create a waterfall-enclosed hideaway. He also used our slide steps leading up to the water slide*. Every thrill seeker and child loves climbing on the sturdy rock panels and boulders that make up the rest of this custom grotto. Because it’s all faux rock, it was also a lot easier to set up than if you were to, say, visit a quarry. Plus, the whole grotto is sturdy enough for anyone to climb.
That’s because all RicoRock artificial rock products are designed to last the lifetime of your pool.
Would you like to create the perfect poolside lounging experience in your backyard? Contact us today! Ask about our component grottos or browse our other custom structural grottos. Already have a contractor? Ask them to reach out to us. We will work with them to give you a poolside you’ll truly enjoy.
*Water slide not made by RicoRock; custom slide kits allow spots for most slides.
Credit: Homeowner Tim V from Illinois, Grotto by RicoRock Construction Management